Wednesday 19 March 2008

Put things in perspective

Have a board meeting today. I should have prepared something for it which I did not do... because the deadline given to me was mental and simply because I really don't fancy the work.
I could have worked yesterday until late night, but really did not feel like it. It is a change: I am more important than work. So I chose to go to bed and get some sleep!
I went to the doctor who said I was tired and needed a break... so I tried to get it.

Let's see how I will cope with the board.
I'll probably be honest and say I simply did not have time to do this.
And get a bollocking.
But there is more to life and I don't need this hassle. Put things in perspective.
AS I have just heard yesterday... a high school friend of mine commited suicide a few days ago... that really puts things in perspective!

A couple of other good friends are going in opposite directions: one is getting married, another one is getting a divorce. Funny that so early on my friends are already getting divorced.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep, definitely a good title!!!