Monday 10 March 2008

Anxiety and work

Quite anxious last night, had trouble to fall asleep. Why? Don't know.
Maybe because things are falling into place in the new role, and I will start to be under pressure pretty soon.
Maybe because of my girlfriend situation, we are living in different countries and it is difficult to manage such a relationship.
Maybe because I am not a 100% sure on what I want to do professionally.

Today, I was approached again by a large multinational who made me a job offer a few months ago. They proposed to me something else, a very high responsibility role... (!)
I am happy and excited about the current job. Thing is money is really low (in this proposition of today I would be making more than double the money), but above all I think I will miss the international exposure. And... will I really be stretched in my new role.

What I really want professionally is:
- to enjoy my daily work, do something that gives me pleasure and is meaningful
- to continuously grow, daily improving and becoming a better worker and manager

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