Friday 5 September 2008

Productivity Tip

In the last couple of weeks, I've been doing something that I've found really helpful in getting me to be more productive.
Usually I have a list of all my tasks, of all the to-dos, and then I break them down into A's, B's and C's, according to the importance/urgence.
What I've also started doing now is, 1st thing in the morning, before anything else, I set the 2 achievements for the day. The 2 things that no matter what, I really need to get done.
And usually I start by doing these 2 things, progressing them.

What usually happens is that I get them done and this gives me a good feeling of achievement and builds confidence. Gives me the strength and self confidence to then go on and tackle all the other activities on my list, and on top of it all, on a good mood, as I feel that I am being productive!!


Anonymous said...

When you set a goal for youself it's more likely that you will do something productive. If you don't have aims, you can spend the whole day just going here and there doing nothing.

Anonymous said...

I like the point of having the 2 must win battles for the day... it gives you a clear target and motivates you to go on and tackle them.