Monday 28 July 2008

Smell of success

Again, some positives coming through. The European MD of my company, who has been recently appointed, is coming over for a visit. The MD of my division asked me to prepare a presentation about the division, big figures and also key achievements and issues/opportunities to tackle.
I put quite a lot of work into it:
1. I organised myself well, sumarizing the presentation at hand and all the info I needed to get in an excel spreadsheet, like I do for projects.
2. I then chased people early for the stuff that I needed.
3. And I worked on the pres, I really put some effort behind it. Meaning couple of late nights.
The results were really good. My MD really loved it. A couple of guys from the board were also there and they were really impressed, to the point of making positive comments to me.
We then went on to show it to the country MD who was impressed to the point of sending it to other divisions for them to use as benchmark.
Great stuff, made me feel great.
And also showed me a couple of things.
+ it's good to work on things that you do well. I have always been good at presentations, and when given this opportunity, I jumped on it, as I am cravin a bit of success at this point.
+ putting work in usually brings you results.

To top a really nice day, the country MD came up with the proposition of showing of 3 of my projects in the meeting room where the meeting will take place! Just what the doctor ordered...

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