Friday, 15 February 2008

Old job: likes and dislikes?

This exercise can help me in deepening my understanding of what I want to do, what is my passion.

What did I like in the job that I am about to leave? What did I enjoy? What will I miss?
- contact with people from all over the world. Talk to them, understand how they live, their ambitions and dreams. How they work.
- travelling, being in different countries, visiting different cities, seeing different lifestyles
- the people. Overall relaxed, nice and driven. Good professionals, efficient. I could learn from them
- status: I was very respected and somewhat feared. People wanted to please me. Though I do think this comes not only from the job but also from my personal characteristics (I am a good presenter and have good presence in meetings, Also having been there for a few years and having multiple country and category experiences makes me quite confident and at ease in some discussions)
- time and independence: I was managing my own agenda and could do what I wanted to
- other people: if they were good (eg tech people, mkt research...) they would get on with their work, I would only have to ensure that they were doing what was needed
- the resources: being on global projects money was never an issue, whatever kind of research needed doing... it would be done!

What didn't I like?
- not knowing how to progress some projects, what is the next action?
- lobby: one of the tech centers was mainly composed of people from 1 nationality, often I would be the odd one out. As I don't speak that language, they wouldn´t mind and chat away. Also, this country was becoming leader and gaining full power in Europe...
- tired?! I've been in this business for years!! I've seen it and was not in any way passionate about it anymore. It wasn´t firing me up anymore. And I don't want that.
- Feel old on the job. I was there for donkeys years, people were coming and going and I was there.
- Future perspectives: I was in the best role, in order to be promoted into a director role in a couple of years. Now... even it sounds attractive, that does not motivate me. Seeing myself as a director in a European country doesn't really appeal to me.
- Career: for years and years there have been rumours that my company could potentially divest from the area where I work. Also, it is a quite specific market and business. Let's say I would be out of a job in a couple of years. My perspectives could be quite grim as my experience was narrow. So I really need to broaden my experience!!!

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