Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Local vs Global

Had a strategy preparation meeting. Basically the board asked us to present them our strategy and we are now preparing it. What surprises me: we have to do it by the 9th of May and we had the 1st meeting now! Why is it a 1 off thing instead of something that is done throughout the year and refined???
I ran the meeting as I was asked to overview the process. It went well but I am quite disapointed. Coming from a central job, everything was much more planned and thought off and now... it is much more done rushing, not very professionally or in depth! And this is what is supposed to guide this business for the next years, until 2010 at least!!!!
I did not enjoy it and feel a bit disapointed.

On the positive side, I really was in the zone in the meeting. I ran it very well, was really confident and managed timings, etc being able to stop some side discussions etc and get people to focus on the key topics. I am really happy that I was able to summarize key points and put them down as sometimes people drifted off topic. To be honest, I almost did not recognize myself! Definitely scored a few points with the Md.

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